Jody Murphy


Jody Murphy is a ceramic artist living and working in San Francisco operating under the name Mudlark Ceramics. She fell in love with clay several years ago while taking ceramics at City College of San Francisco. Much of her work is done at Sharon Art Studio in Golden Gate Park where she is currently a Studio Assistant. She loves the opportunity to delve into the technical side of ceramics and is learning from many great teachers. She is also a member of The Pottery Studio in the Mission District. She enjoys being a part of the clay communities in both studios and sharing ideas and knowledge with many different people. Working almost exclusively in stoneware, Jody is currently focusing on vessels and tableware with a functional purpose in mind. Much of her work is inspired by Pre-Columbian pottery and traditional Native American basketry. She uses a variety of clays with matte and glossy glazes, sometimes intentionally glazing in order to achieve a worn and aged appearance. She is thrilled that all of her work is reduction fired to Cone 10 in gas fired kilns. Reduction firing typically is used to obtain mottled, rich, earthy colors. The natural elements from the clay are drawn out during the firing and the pieces may have a toasty freckled appearance. The pottery becomes more than a sum of its parts; it is a magical transformation of earth, water, air, and fire. Whether it be a fruit bowl, mug, or a vase, her creations are intended to add an artistic element around the table or home.