In the Gallery
GAIA – Age of Climate Change
- September 11th – October 6th
Thursday, September 13th,
5:30 – 8pm
- Juror: Kim Anno, artist and activist
- List of Exhibition Artists
- All work available for purchase. Contact the SFWA Gallery
Lennell Allen, Earth is Fragile #57, Dye-infused aluminum, 16x24"
Jennifer Arthur, 60-Year Old Bull Elephant, Pencil Drawing, 21x17" ****JUROR'S CHOICE ****
Jennifer Arthur, Grevy's Zebra, Pencil Drawing, 17.5x25.5"
Jenny Balisle, Climate Change, paper, 8.25x11.17"
Jenny Balisle, Mother Earth, clear braille on polymer 6x6"
Nicole Barens, Ambit 1-Tao of the Pacific Series, Photograph, 14x11"
Pam Borrelli, Yosemite, Autumn, Photograph, 28x22"
Charlotte Burgmans, Amazon II, Acrylic, 24x24"
Debbie Cain, Drought at the Stevens Creek Reservoir, Jan.2014, Photograph, 22x28"
Debbie Cain, My Love Affair with a Chair-#2, Photograph, 22x18"
Pat Calabro, Upward, Acrylic, 36x24"
Lara Cannon, On the Ground, Watercolor, 22x15" **** JUROR'S CHOICE ****
Lara Cannon, Yellow Grasshopper, Watercolor, 22x30"
Beth Cataldo, Transmutation of Species, Photograph, 16x21"
Christine Cianci, Carbon Footprint, Oil, 21x14"
Christine Cianci, Ship of Fools, Oil, 14x21"
Theresa Comstock, Dancing with the Sea and Air, Oil, 23x29"
Quin De La Mer, Keyhole 3, from Spiritual Warrior series, Fresco Painting, 18x14"
Ella Driscoll, Yosemite Panorama, Photograph, 10x10"
Andrea Everitt, Joshua Tree, Photograph, 21x27"
Jarv Falkard, Going, going, gone...?, Watercolor, 24x20"
Jude Fauconnier, We Grow in Colors, Watercolor on Yupo, 18x14"
Jude Fauconnier, Where the Pigeons Live, Mixed Media, 8x10"
Jacqueline Fried, Rejuvenate, Oil, 18x22"
Janey Fritsche, Sea Shepherds, Oil, 36x36"
A.W. Gerber, DC Talisman Installation Project: MESSAGES FROM GAIA, 2017 Climate Change March, Digital Art, 23x25"
Mark Grim, Beachfront Property, Acrylic, 25.5x40"
Kathleen Gross, Downriver, Oil, 18x36" **** JUROR'S CHOICE ****
Christopher Herrick, Endangered, V2, Watercolor, 14.5x14.5"
Kathryn Hyde, Reconstructed, Mixed Media, 24x40"
Kathryn Hyde, Venti-Salted Caramel Mocha Latte, Mixed Media, 26x26"
Candice Jacobus, A Force Greater Than Our Own, Photograph, 18x24"
Candice Jacobus, Getting Some of Her Own Back,8" Photograph, 24x1
Amy Keeler, Anthropocene 01, Mixed Media, 21x39.5"
Amy Keeler, Anthropocene 05, Mixed Media, 11.5x10"
Susan R. Kirshenbaum, Sunset Series, Facing Down Sutro Tower, Digital Art, 20x15"
Kishore, Gaia Earth Goddess, Photograph, 13.7x14"
Kishore, Gaia in Climate Change, Photograph, 20x15.5"
Jessica Levant, The Road Ahead, Photo Art, 19x25"
Marie Massey, Stones Throw, Oil 16x20"
Dan McGarrah, Vertigo, Photo Art, 21x32"
Patrick McGuire, Glacier Going Human Gone, Photograph, 17x11"
Susan Merrell, Water Falling, Photo ARt, 15x15"
Catherine Moreno, Flowers, Oil, 20x16"
Kelly Page, Enlightened Journey, Mixed Media, 24x20"
Yi LIn Pei, Tragedy of the Commons, Watercolor, 12x9""
Susan Ruane, From the Mountains, Collage, 22x18"
Susan Ruane, To the Sea, Collage, 18x22"
Janice Rumbaugh, Bay Shore Re-imagined, Mixed Media, 39x29.5"
Janice Rumbaugh, Blue Lotus, Etching, 14x14"
Iris Sabre, Life on the Edge, Oil, 24.5x30.5"
Wendell Shinn, Come Rain Or, Photo Art, 17x13"
Rita Sklar, Troubled Waters, Watercolor, 24x30"
Melissa Stephens, Backbone, Encaustic, 22x21.5"
Melissa Stephens, Curves, Edges IV, Encaustic, 11.5x11.5"
Steve Sweetser, SunSet Cliffs 3, Drawing-Pastels, 28x20"
Jean Thrift, Landscape, Pencil Drawing, 14.5x15"
Virginia Van Zandt, Forest Fire - Shasta County, Photograph, 27x21"
Karla Welch, Fire Storm, Acrylic, 16x20"
Yawen Winnie Chien, To the Sea, Watercolor, 20x16"